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News Tuesday February 4, 2025

Milam County Judge Bill Whitmire After conferring with the Milam County Emergency Management Coordinator and the Fire Marshal, and upon the recommendation of the area Fire Chiefs and the County Commissioners, Milam County is being placed under a burn ban until further notice.
The order will remain in effect for the next 90 days (From 2 February) unless the restrictions rescinded.

 The Bell County Sheriff’s Office asked drivers to avoid the merge for IH35 and IH14. About 11:30 yesterday

Belton Police Department officers and a Bell County Sheriff’s deputy helped safely resolve a tense circumstance yesterday morning.   The Police Department and the City of Belton, a man experienced a mental health crisis on the Interstate 14 flyover exit off northbound Interstate 35. Officers helped diffuse the situation after the man got out of a car at a nearby business, walked to the flyover, and placed both of his legs over the guardrail appearing ready to jump.


“We are grateful for this outcome and that our officers helped calmly resolve the matter,” Belton Police Chief Larry Berg said. “We train to be ready to help people in distress, but in these types of circumstances, a person must be willing to help themselves too. In this situation, it worked out. We hope the young man gets the help and support that he needs.”

Police and the city say the incident lasted for an hour and a half. The 9-1-1 call came in at around 10:30 a.m., and the individual was off the ledge by noon. The man was not injured, but he was transported to a medical facility for mental health treatment.




(ROSEBUD-LOTT)  Rosebud-Lott Theater Booster Club will have a meeting tonight  at 6:30 for Agenda items- fundraisers, scholarships and banquets



the 2025 Milam County Moot Court Competition take place February 12th and 13th (Wednesday and Thursday) at the Courthouse with teams from our Milam County High Schools competing in the competition.



The El Camino Real Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2025.  The program will begin at 6 PM at the All Saints’ Episcopal Church Meeting Room, 200 N. Travis, in Cameron, TX.  The public is invited to attend.



Milano Volunteer Fire Department’s  Annual Chili Supper on Saturday, February 15th, 2025, at the Milano VFD Fire Station.  Milano Vol. Fire Department 369 E Avenue C, Milano.  The evening will include a chili supper and live music at 4:30 PM.  Music by the Burleson County Cowboy Church Amazing Grace Band and Paul Schlesinger.   There’s a raffle along with both silent and live auctions

any donations for the auction, which can be dropped off anytime before the event.
For raffle tickets or donate items, call or text Kain Dodd  979-436-5723
Milam County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)  Meeting  Tuesday ,February 18th, 2025 – 10:30 am  Milam County Annex Conference Room.



Cameron Chamber of Commerce Awards and Banquet, Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:00pm – 9:00pm and we are encouraging sponsors to join us. Several levels of sponsorship are available and can benefit your company in a variety of ways. Please see the opportunities available and consider joining us for a full filled evening full of networking and sharing.


Temple College Leopard Preview Day is for high school juniors and seniors,  to explore all that Temple College has to offer. At Leopard Preview Day, students can discover the programs, opportunities, and pathways that can help you turn their dreams into reality. February 21st 9:30am-1:00pm 2600 S First Street Temple, Registration.     https://www.templecollege.edu/admissions/recruitment/preview.html


Little River  Basin Master Gardens Association Spring plant sale and raffle March 1st 2025, 9:00am-1:00pm Milam County Expo Building, 301 South Houston Ave., Cameron
Make plans now to participate in the 10th Annual Cameron ISD Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament on March 15, 2025!  Held at the Cameron Country Club on March 15th for our 10th annual golf tournament!
All proceeds will benefit scholarships for Yoe High graduates. Four Man Scramble | 18 Holes | Open to All Golfers. Tee off at 9:00 AM. Prices for Top Places, Closest to Pin, and Longest Drive. Lunch & Refreshments Provided. Private Carts Welcome. Cost: $300 per team or $75 per individual (includes mulligan). Hole sponsorships available from $100. For Tournament/Sponsorship Information, Contact John Mendoza: 254-482-0659, jmendoza@milamcounty.net



The 2024-2025 Rockdale Fair Association scholarship is available to Milam county high seniors, who have shown project(s) and have met eligibility requirements, are encouraged to apply. See their high school counselor for the application. Postmark deadline is March 21, 2025. Call 512 760 8621



Milam County Junior Livestock Show  (Wednesday-Saturday) March 26-29th, 2025.  YEB Youth Exhibition Building 301 South Houston , Cameron.  Premium Youth Auction Sale and Buyers Dinner Saturday 29th 6pm.


(CAMERON) 🎾 🏈 👟 🏐 💂🥁🎺🏀⚾️🤼‍⚽︎

Tuesday, February 4

5 – 9pm 🏀 Yoemen Basketball @ Lexington
5 – 7:30pm  Lady Yoe  🏀 Basketball @ Lexington
 6 – 8pm Lady Yoe  ‍⚽︎  Soccer vs Taylor
 6 – 8pm Lady Yoe ⚾️  Softball vs Somerville
6 Feb, Thu  All day  Holocaust Museum Tour for Jr. Class
All day  Yoe Powerlifting @ Academy
Friday, February 7  5 – 9pm  Yoemen  🏀 Basketball @ Rockdale
6 – 8pm  Lady Yoe ‍⚽︎  Soccer @ Manor New Tech
8  Feb, Sat   All day   Prom

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