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From The KMIL  News Room

July 9, 2001

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Commissioners Review Proposed New County Precinct Lines

(CAMERON)  Milam County Commissioners informally accepted a plan today that would re-draw the county's precinct lines.  A 12-member committee submitted three seperate plans to commissioners, and settled on the third plan which met the approval of the commissioners.  Under the new lines, Precint One would be comprised of a population of 6,296 according to the latest census numbers.  Precinct Two would total 6,053.  Precinct Three-5,923.  And Precinct Four 5,966.  County Judge Frank Summers told KMIL News that voting lines must first be established before the new county lines can be formally voted on.


Click on the picture icon for a larger view of the maps. 

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Milam County

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