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From the KMIL News Room

February 10,  2003



Concerned Parents, Citizens and Teachers

Pack Cameron ISD Board Room Monday

CAMERON)  Some 80 parents of Cameron School children packed into the Cameron ISD Board Room last night to present a list of concerns regarding issues such as drugs on campus, sexual harassment, and discipline.  The Rev. Samuel Buhl, pastor of True Love Baptist Church, spoke on behalf of the organized group during the 15 minute open forum prior to last night’s regular meeting.

Buhl presented several incidents that the group says are documented in regards to drugs, sexual harassment, and teacher behavior.   The group also documented several incidents in which residents are leaving Cameron because of the school district.  In addition, the group’s presentation included irresponsible administrative actions. 

Also included in the group’s presentation were possible solutions which included:

  1. Strictly follow current code of conduct.
  2. Require administrators and teachers to actively monitor hallways and passage ways.
  3. School collaboration with law enforcement.
  4. Accountability across the system beginning with the administration and filtering down.
  5. Drug testing, and
  6. Sight based hiring of personnel.

The board offered no response during the forum other than thanking those who attended for their concern, however, most of the group hung around until agenda items were complete, and the board held an informal town meeting style discussion with the group for more than an hour.  During that discussion, the board learned that students were afraid to come forward and report the incidents for fear of their safety.  The board and the group concluded that parents, the school district and the city must all work together to overcome the problems that are facing our children.

Names of students, teachers and administrators that were targeted in the open forum discussion, were withheld for legal and safety reasons, however, an unofficial committee was formed so that the parents can report their findings, using names of teachers and administrators in their documentation.  The informal committee includes Superintendent Maxie Morgan, Board President Gene Vaculin, board members Willyne Stanislaw and Curtis Hoyle, and parents Mike Shelton and Pam Green.    The committee was the idea of board member Mike Zajicek who said he would hate to see parents leave the board room, without knowing the board was serious in finding solutions.

The presentation by the group came on the night that administrator contracts were to be considered.  Following a 2 ½ hour closed session, the board renewed two year contracts for Athletic Director Randy Sapp, Jr. High Principal Roy Mayfield, and High School Principal Clint MacMahon.  However, MacMahon’s contract has an amendment that Board President Gene Vaculin said will demand expectations from MacMahon and his campus.  Vaculin said the amendments, which will be made public after Superintendent Maxie Morgan reviews them with MacMahon, have to do with discipline and campus improvements overall. 

In addition, the board ordered the administration to stop all drinks and food in the classroom effective immediately, and ordered the hiring of two uniformed security personnel to work the Yoe High campus during high traffic times.  In addition, the board is considering closing the high school campus; however that must be an agenda item, and could possibly be considered during the March board meeting.

The board also heard from Ben Milam teacher Brenda Drba during the open forum. Drba complained of the lack of teacher involvement, lack of confidence, trust and professionalism shown to the staff. She said several teachers are considering  applying at neighboring districts, or even considering early retirement.

Also following the closed session, the board accepted the resignation of high school history teacher Linda Lyles and hired Cheryl Fenn to take her place.  Lyles was involved in a near head on collision in December, in which alcohol was involved.  (see story)

The board accepted the retirement of Ben Milam Principal Andy Andrews effective at the end of the contract year this June.   

During the regular meeting Monday, the board approved 3 bills over $25,000.  Awarded the district’s electrical bid to R&R Electric, who submitted the lower of 2 bids.  The board ordered a May 3rd School Trustee election.  Terms up for election include Marion Cooley, Carl Bradley and Jack McKinney.  Candidates can file February 17th through March 19th at the administration office.

The board rescheduled the March meeting date to the 3rd since the regular date fell during spring break.

Trustees approved the JR3 Retirement Re-Hire program for the district, which allows teachers who are eligible to retire, to do so and continue working in the district earning an additional 50%.

The board approved the transfer of 4 students into the district from Milano.  Approved two budget amendments and heard reports on technology, curriculum and construction.  John Egger of Ebco reported that fencing will go up Monday around the west side of Yoe High in preparation for the relocation of utilities.  Actual construction of the new High School complex will begin in late March.